Friday, March 20, 2015


March is often considered the first month of spring here in the southwest, but 2015 has already been unusual in the weather department.  With all the snow we have had in the past two months, we can expect our ground to have more moisture than in the past recent years.  March can be tricky as far as the weather is concerned.  We can have some beautiful sunny days in the seventy degree range, but then we can have hard frost without notice. 

You'll need to finish up winter pruning. Prune those winter stems and cut back overgrown shrubs and hedges. Bush and shrub roses will also need to be pruned in March to make way for a fuller and healthier rose bush during the growing season.

It is still too early to plant annuals for color, but you can certainly get a head start on the lawns.  It is a good idea to mow and aerate the lawn and then add organic fertilizer to the soil. This is also the best time to apply a pre-emergent to your lawn. Pre-emergents will stop seeds from germinating, therefore, it will control crab grass and other spring weeds. 

Be sure and stop in at our nursery on these spring days.  We are preparing our display garden for the upcoming spring and summer seasons to give you, our customers, a beautiful area to help you design and get new ideas for your own lawn and garden.  Pansies are coming soon.


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